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برنامه علمی سی و دومین کنگره سالانه انجمن جراحان ارتوپدی ایران

32nd Annual Meeting Of The Iranian Orthopaedic Association Scientific Program

Periprosthetic FX Complications
Headline : Hip
Date : Monday, 07 October 2024
Start Time : 14:00
End Time : 15:30
Location : Hegmataneh Hall

14:00 - 14:06 | Article
14:06 - 14:12 | Article
14:12 - 14:18 | Article
14:18 - 14:20 | Q & A
14:20 - 14:30 | Lower Limbs Discrepancy
Sadeghpour, Alireza MD
14:30 - 14:40 | Prostatic Joint Infection
Motifi Fard, Mehdi MD
14:40 - 14:50 | Mortality
Komijani, Mehdi MD
14:50 - 15:00 | Periprosthetic Morbidity & Mortality Fx, Fixation Failure
Enayatollahi, Mohammad Ali MD
ICL: Traumatic Lower Limbs Injuries
Headline : Trauma
Date : Thursday, 10 October 2024
Start Time : 07:30
End Time : 08:30
Location : Razi Hall

07:30 - 07:45 | Comminuted Tibia Plateau Fractures, How To Prevent Complications
Elmi, Asghar MD
07:45 - 08:00 | Comminuted Distal Tibia Fractures, How To Be Managed Correctly
Alamian, Ali Asghar MD
08:00 - 08:15 | Comminuted Pilon Fractures, How To Prevent Complications (DJD)
Forghan, Mobin MD
08:15 - 08:30 | Talus Fractures, How Can I Manage With-less Complications
Pourmojarrab, Ali MD