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برنامه علمی سی و دومین کنگره سالانه انجمن جراحان ارتوپدی ایران

32nd Annual Meeting Of The Iranian Orthopaedic Association Scientific Program

Management Of Failed Instability Surgery
Headline : Shoulder
Date : Monday, 07 October 2024
Start Time : 09:00
End Time : 10:30
Location : Hegmataneh Hall

09:00 - 09:06 | Article
09:06 - 09:12 | Article
09:12 - 09:18 | Article
09:18 - 09:20 | Q & A
09:20 - 09:30 | Reasons For Failed Bankart Repairs-only A Problem Of Indications
Tavakoli, Gholam Reza MD
09:30 - 09:40 | How I Deal With Large Hill-Sachs Defects During Revision Surgery
09:40 - 09:50 | Failed Latarjet- It Is More Common Than You Would Think
Wambakher, Markus MD
09:50 - 10:00 | Technical Note: Dynamic Anterior Stabilization (DAS)
Collin, P. MD
How To Prevent Malpractice In Orthopaedic Surgeries (case Presentation)
Headline : Others
Date : Tuesday, 08 October 2024
Start Time : 16:30
End Time : 17:00
Location : Main Hall

16:30 - 16:45 | Shoulder
Azizi, Fariborz MD
16:45 - 17:00 | Hand
Najd Mazhar, Farid MD
Proximal Humerus Fracture Sequel
Headline : Shoulder
Date : Thursday, 10 October 2024
Start Time : 08:30
End Time : 10:00
Location : Main Hall

08:30 - 08:40 | Management Of Failed Reduction After ORIF: (re Operation Or Wait And See?)
Mohseni, Nima MD
08:40 - 08:50 | Reverse Shoulder Prosthesis For Complex Fracture: Acute Vs Delayed Treatment
Momenzadeh, Omid Reza MD
08:50 - 09:00 | Non-union Of Surgical Neck Fx: ORIF Vs Arthroplasty
Rahimi, Mehdi MD
09:00 - 09:10 | Chronic Locked Dislocations: Reduction And Reconstruction Or Replacement
Amiri, Saeed Reza MD
09:20 - 09:30 | Case Presentation 2
Nakhaei Amroodi, Morteza MD
09:30 - 09:40 | Case Presentation 3
Khorsandi, Ali Akbar MD
09:40 - 09:50 | Case Presentation 4
Tabrizian, Pouria MD
09:50 - 10:00 | Case Presentation 5
Kokly, Saeed MD