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برنامه علمی سی و دومین کنگره سالانه انجمن جراحان ارتوپدی ایران

32nd Annual Meeting Of The Iranian Orthopaedic Association Scientific Program

Residents' Meeting: The Principles Of Long Bone Fractures Fixation With Plates
Headline : Others
Date : Tuesday, 08 October 2024
Start Time : 13:30
End Time : 15:00
Location : Tooska Hall

13:30 - 13:40 | Basic Principles Of Compression Plates In Long Bone Fractures Fixation
Barazandeh, Saber MD
13:40 - 13:50 | Basic Principles Of Locking Plates In Long Bone Fractures Fixation
Noori Garavand, Sajad MD
13:50 - 14:00 | Double Plating , Indications And Methods
Kalantar, Seyed Hadi MD
14:00 - 14:10 | The Principles Of Plating In Fracture Nonunion
Parham Far, Mohammad
14:10 - 14:20 | Q & A