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برنامه علمی سی و دومین کنگره سالانه انجمن جراحان ارتوپدی ایران

32nd Annual Meeting Of The Iranian Orthopaedic Association Scientific Program

Updates In MSK Infection
Headline : Others
Date : Wednesday, 09 October 2024
Start Time : 10:30
End Time : 12:00
Location : Hegmataneh Hall

10:30 - 10:40 | What Is New In Management Of Refractory Musculoskeletal Infections?
Shahpari, Omid MD
10:40 - 10:50 | Update On Prosthetic Joint Infections
Ganji, Reza MD
10:50 - 11:00 | Update On Infected Nonunions
Arabi, Hamid MD
11:00 - 11:10 | How Do Take Microbiological Tests Correctly? (Sampling ,Culturing,…)
Jabal Ameli, Fereshte MD
11:10 - 11:20 | Update On Imaging Of MSK Infections
Rikhtehgar, Masih MD
11:20 - 11:30 | Q & A
Osteotomy Around The Knee
Headline : Knee
Date : Friday, 11 October 2024
Start Time : 10:30
End Time : 12:00
Location : Main Hall

10:30 - 10:38 | Knee Deformity Analysis: What Is The Pitfalls?
Sedighi, Mehrdad MD
10:38 - 10:46 | Mixed Deformities Around The Knee: Diagnosis And Management
Aydanloo, Ali MD
10:46 - 10:54 | Dome Osteotomy Of Proximal Tibia
Yazdi, Hamidreza
10:54 - 11:02 | Lateral Hinge Fracture In MOWHTO:Prevention And Management During And After Surgery
Arya Manesh, Amir Shahryar
11:02 - 11:10 | Nonunion After MOWHTO
Vosoughi, Fardis MD
11:10 - 11:20 | Q & A